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1. Using the Eclipse IDE for Java programming

1) Install the Java Development Kit (JDK) and check its version.

Help: Installation of Java.

2) Download and install the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

Help: Download and installation of the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

3) Start the Eclipse IDE and verify JDK installation.

Help: Starting the Eclipse IDE.

Help: Preparing the workbench.

4) Create a new Java project named task01.

Help: Create your first Java program.

5) Create a package and Java class.

Help: Create package.

Hint: Use the following package name: ua.khpi.oop.your_first_name.task01.

Hint: Use the following class name: Main.

6) Change the class based on the following listing.

package your_package_name;

public class your_class_name {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Hi your_first_name!");


7) Launch your application in Eclipse.

Help: Run your project in Eclipse.

8) Create JAR file and launch your application outside Eclipse.

Help: Run Java program outside Eclipse.

9) Create new class named Calculator based on the following listing and solve all TODOs.

package your_package_name;

public class Calculator {

	public int inc(int a) {
		// TODO Add one to 'a'

		// TODO return your calculated value
		// instead of 0
		return 0;

	public int dec(int a) {
		// TODO Subtract one from 'a'

		// TODO return your calculated value
		// instead of 0
		return 0;

	public int sum(int a, int b) {
		// TODO Calculate the sum of 'a' and 'b'

		// TODO return your calculated value
		// instead of 0
		return 0;

	public String check(int a) {
		// TODO Check that 'a' is positive or negative.
		// If 'a' is positive return "positive".
		// If 'a' is negative return "negative".
		// If a is zero return "zero".
		return "";


10) Change your Main class based on the following listing, launch it and check output results.

package your_package_name;

public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Calculator calculator = new Calculator();

		int intResult;
		intResult =;

		intResult = calculator.dec(1);

		intResult = calculator.sum(2, 3);

		String strResult;
		strResult = calculator.check(1);

		strResult = calculator.check(-1);

		strResult = calculator.check(0);




Explain the result of the following program fragment:

int a = 5;
int b = 10;

System.out.println((a > 5) && ((b = 99) == 10));
System.out.println(((b = 99) == 10) && (a > 5));

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